Beating the Blues

Although both of us are from the northeastern United States originally, Jeff and I are not fans of winter weather. My mom’s house in the Adirondack Mountains was just hit with more than a foot of snow. Blech! When you combine winter weather with a pandemic that has most of us hunkering down? Nope, not… Continue reading Beating the Blues

Happy Thanksgiving, Darn It!

The turkey is in the oven. The pies are baked. What passes for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade is on the television. All of the trimmings and trappings of a traditional Thanksgiving are here. But everything is different. I have not seen my mom or my brothers or their families in nearly a year. Our son,… Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving, Darn It!

Pipe + Lumber = a DIY One-of-a-Kind Desk

The other day, we wrote about the beautiful headboard we built for our daughter’s new apartment in Nashville which, by the way, is an amazing place to visit. Best known for the rowdy downtown area (also a blast!), the real Nashville is filled with parks and green spaces, great shops and incredible food. It is… Continue reading Pipe + Lumber = a DIY One-of-a-Kind Desk

Obsessin’ with Steppin’

With the stay-at-home orders prevalent around the world, a daily walk has become all that stands between many of  us and losing our minds. You may remember our recent post about Disc Golf and the challenges of losing weight. And you may also remember that, for me, I would much rather be outside than in… Continue reading Obsessin’ with Steppin’

Weighing Your Options: the Rise of Disc Golf

So, you are looking in the mirror.  You rub your stomach maybe suck it in with a deep breath or turn sideways, and think, “Man, I could drop a few LBS.”  That’s my typical reaction when I look at my 6 ft, 233-pound frame. Some days, I feel like if I look at food I… Continue reading Weighing Your Options: the Rise of Disc Golf